You are recruiting a NED, what should you be looking for?
- Relevant experience
- Adequate knowledge of the company (can be gained through induction and in-post)
- Integrity and high ethical standards
- Sound judgement
- Strong interpersonal skills
- High levels of engagement
- Independance of mind
It's not a new list (see the Tyson reprt on the Recruitment and Development of Non-Executive Directors 2003), so why do we still seem to be struggling? Is it that these people are just not there, or is it more likely that we are not casting the net widely enough? Do we in many cases have too narrow a definition of "relevant experience"?
The barriers to entry for NED postions, especially in listed companies, are artificially high. You can trawl through the annual reports on line and the "old boys network" still screams at you with deafening veracity.
"The best boards are composed of individuals with different skills, knowledge, information, power..." (Conger and Lawler, 2001)
Cast the net wider, seek out diversity but stick to Pehr Gyllenhammar's suggested guidelines for the selection of NEDs: no crooks, no cronies, no cowards.
They are out there!