Late last year I was asked to be the keynote speaker at a financial services conference being held in Luxembourg, with their prime interest was the work I have been doing on Board Performance Evaluation in Financial Services. With the Financial Services Sector being under increasing pressure to prove good governance, there was significant interest in this work.
My presentation covered the case study of a recent Board Performance Evalution review for a Mutual Society and although the delegates at the conference were largely representing Funds, and although the structure of Funds is quite different, they were comfortable in drawing the parallels.
Gratifyingly, there was significant interest in my work and I hope to be returning to Luxembourg soon to undertake some research in the governance of Funds and the application of the models I have developed.
For those who might be interested (and if I can work it out!) I will upload the powerpoint presentation I used at the conference. If you have any questions, feel free to ask,